


Games and Bereavement: How Video Games Represent Attachment, Loss, and Grief is out and you can order it here!

How can videogames portray love and loss? Games and Bereavement answers this question by analysing five videogames and conducting a participatory design study with grievers. Sabine Harrer offers both theoretical and practical perspectives on videogames and grief and suggests a design model for videogames to include grievers into game development. Overall, she explores how videogames can be used as contemporary medium for personal storytelling.



Academic publications

Black Skin, White Guns: Becoming Colonizer in Resident Evil 5, with Martin Pichelmair, Philosophy of Computer Game Conference 2015, Berlin

Adrienne Shaw’s Gaming at the Edge: Sexuality and Gender at the Margins of Gamer Culture, Digital Culture & Education 7(1). (book review)

“Inviting Grief Into Games: The Game Design Process as Personal Dialogue”, with Henrik Schønau Fog, DiGRA: Diversity of Play 2015, Lüneburg

Games Against Health: A Player-Centered Design Philosophy, with Conor Linehan, Ben Kirman, Shaun Lawson, Marcus Carter, CHI Conference 2015, Seoul

Cunt Touch This: A Conversation on Intimate Design and Embarrassment, with Andrea Hasselager, Ida Toft, Raimund Schumacher, Conor Linehan, and Ben Kirman, CHI Conference 2015, Seoul

From Losing to Loss: Exploring the Expressive Capacities of Videogames Beyond Death as Failure, Culture Unbound 5(35), 2013.

Game Design for Cultural Studies. An experiential approach to critical thinking, Pittsburgh: ETC Press 2011.

The LARA-Formula. Textual ambiguity and commercial success. München: kopaed 2010.



Let’s Get Physical: A Recap of the 4th Lyst Summit, Copenhagen Game Collective Blog, 2017

Gotland Game’s Most Wacky Game Controllers, Copenhagen Game Collective Blog, 2017

Soteria: Das Spiel mit der Angst, Elektro Uschi, 2017 (German)

Turn Your Fears Into A Game: Soteria, Copenhagen Game Collective Blog, 2017

That Grief Game, A.Maze Magazine 2016

Going In Deaf: Post-Mortem of the First Roger Corman Jam, Copenhagen Game Collective Blog, 2016

Games Beyond Washing Machines, Copenhagen Game Collective Blog, 2015

Gemeinsam Anders Sein: Auf Tuchfüllung mit Dänemarks Indie-Szene, ARTE Creative, 2015 (German).

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  1. Pingback: “Cunt Touch This!”, our sixth and final talk is in place | Gotland Game Conference 2017

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